Sunday Service Celebration
10 AM September 15, 2024
Scott Stringham
Anything Your Heart Desires Will Come to You
This week, we continue our study of the Unity principle, " It's not enough to believe the Truth, we must live it." Using a well-known song from the Disney catalogue (hint: the talk title is a lyric from the song), we will take inspiration from the song to inspire action, change and transformation in our lives.
Next Week's Speaker
30th Anniversary Service with
Rev. Shipley Allinson
Mind Fast/Soul Feast Discussion Group
with Rev. Shipley Allinson
All are Welcome!
Sunday 8:40AM
Join Shipley and friends every Sunday at 8:40am
For a lively and inspirational discussion,
short mediation and prayer
We read together Michael Beckwith’s
40 Day Mind Fast, Soul Feast,
A guide to Soul Awakening and Inner Fulfillment.
This week...
“To court the Infinite [God] you must first cultivate a desire to do so. Then, just as in any relationship, you invest your love, energy, time and attention. Today, use the little gaps of time to practice the presence of God. And when you can, incrementally increase the amount of time you devote to meditation and prayer.
The results will astound you.”
Clothes Swap September 15th!
Join in the fun at coffee hour this Sunday.
Bring something festive you’d like swap [or donate].
We can dress up or dress down one another for our 30th Anniversary Gala
And most of all celebrate ourselves, one another and our Unity!!!
Call Anne Bryer if you have any questions.
Scan for Concert Tix
Scan for Tickets to Concert
Our 30th Anniversary Celebration is Sunday September 22, with a concert and silent auction. Doors open at 6:30 PM.
We need help to support this celebration. If you can volunteer to help with any of the positions listed below, please contact: Jim McQuade at 603-926-9474 (no texts) or email to
or Christian Hayes at 508-517-5626 or email to
Saturday 9/21/24 3:30 PM 2 volunteers to help set up and items for the silent auction
4 volunteers to buy and put up decorations
2 volunteers to buy and set up flowers
Sunday 9/22/24 6:30 PM one volunteer to collect tickets at the door
2 volunteers to sell tickets at the door (cash and checks)
Intermission 8:00 PM 3 volunteers to serve cake, ice cream and water
9:00PM 2 volunteers to receive payment from auction winners (cash and checks)
Meg Rayne,
Music Director
The Unity Singers
The Unity Band
John Hyde-Keyboard,
Steve Chaggaris-Drums,
Mike Gruen-Bass Guitar
Rotating Speakers
Peter Scott
Martine Bernard
Stephanie Roy
Jackie Woodside
Lesley Ann Smith
Rev. Denise DeSimone
Our Founding Minister, Retired
Rev. Shipley Allinson
Community Connections
Of Concern....
Deborah Trueheart is now in hospice. She would appreciate some Divine, Nurturing Love in the form of cards, calls and prayers from her Unity Community at this difficult but divinely appointed time. Her phone number is 978-421-5103.
Her address is 9 Pond View Lane, Tewkesbury, MA 01875.
Please pray for Astrid Lorentzen and Jack Santos. Astrid has asked for prayers that she find the right treatment to bring her fully into the manifestation of radiant health, joy and spiritual well-being.
Please continue to pray for our beloved Martine Bernard as she fully lives in Faith that allows only health and vitality and Love to inhabit her human form. May she continue to radiate her beautiful warmth to all with whom she comes in contact.
Building Our Community
Fill out this form and be sure to say yes or no to each of the preferences listed. You will be added to the directory which is published as a .pdf file and sent by request to members of our congregation who want to stay in touch with each other.
Everyone who completes this form will automatically receive the directory. Contact Mark Rosen to request a printed copy by regular mail. Also to report any updates, or to be removed from the directory.
Please contact Dr. Phyllis Craig or any member of the Connections Team when someone in our congregation you know is ill at home or at a hospital or in need of community by a call or visit.
Dr. Phyllis Craig email:
or TEXT Only to 978 501-4160
Team Members: Betty McGovern, Sarah Rowland,
Laurel Hobbs, Barry Siegel,
Rev. Donnadia Lowre and Linda Samler.
The Unity Business Alliance (TUBA)
Wednesdays 8-9AM via Zoom. Support and networking for heart-centered small business owners and practitioners.